Transaction Actions

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Creating transactions

There are various options for adding transactions within Lunch Money. Transactions can be automatically imported, manually imported, or manually created directly within Lunch Money.

For details on automatic bank syncing, see here.

For details on CSV importing, see here.

For details on our Developer API, see here.

Manual creation

Transactions can be manually created on the Transactions page:

  1. To begin, click on the "Add to cash" button at the top left above the table

"Cash" in this case refers to the default account of your transactions. All manually created transactions will initially be set to “Cash transaction” unless an Account is selected.

  1. This will create a new entry row in the table for you to fill out. Go through each field to enter as many details as possible.

If you are in the current month’s view, the date will default to today’s date. If you are on a past or future month, the date will default to the last day of the month.

  1. To save the new transaction, press enter on the keyboard, or click the green "Add" button on the far right side of the row.

If you have manually-managed assets set up or synced accounts with the option to "Allow modifications to transactions", you can also create transactions that will automatically be linked to those accounts. To do so, use the drop down menu next to "Add to Cash" button. These assets or accounts will be listed at the top of the list.

At the bottom of the dropdown list, you will also see options to create transactions with specific properties:

  • Create Transfer can be used to represent the transfer of money from one asset or account to another. Under the hood, this creates an expense for the originating account and a credit for the destination account, and groups them together so they show up as a net of $0.

This operation will also update the balance for associated manually-managed assets, yet will not alter the balance of synced accounts as that will always sync directly from the connected institution.

  • Create from Recurring can be used to automatically create a transaction linked to an existing recurring expense for the current month. (For more details on recurring transactions, see here).

Quick Add Feature

If you are looking to quickly add a large number of transactions manually, there is a hidden feature that allows you to quickly add multiple transactions one after another. You can access it here: Lunch Money's Quick Add Transaction Page

Updating transactions

Individual updates

Transaction details are updated from the Transactions page by clicking into any of the cells in the table view, or from the 'Transaction Details' panel, accessed by clicking the arrow to the far-right of the row.

Keep in mind that depending on the type of transaction, certain cells may not be available to edit:

  • Synced transactions cannot have their amount fields updated.

  • Transactions from accounts that are set to not allow modifications, cannot be revised.

  • The category and payee cannot be changed for a transaction linked to a recurring item (you’d need to edit the recurring item itself).

  • Pending transactions cannot be revised, but you can still add Notes.

Bulk updates

If you would like to update multiple transactions at once (eg. set the same category, tag, account, etc.), you can click on the checkbox to the far-left of the row to add transactions to your selection.

You can use the SHIFT key on the keyboard to quickly select subsequent transactions.

On the right-side of the screen, you will find the 'Selected Transactions' information area, including calculations for average amount and selected total. Click on the "Bulk-Edit" button, then toggle-on any of the fields or properties that you would like to change. To finalize, click on "Save Changes".

Here’s a list of all available bulk edit actions that can be done:

  • Set Date

  • Set Payee

  • Set Category

  • Set Note

  • Set Currency

  • Set all to uncategorized

  • Remove all notes

  • Move to account

  • Add tags

  • Link all recurring

  • Unlink all recurring

  • Remove all tags

  • Mark all as reviewed

  • Mark all as unreviewed

Deleting transactions

Deleting a transaction

To delete a transaction on the Transactions page, open the 'Transaction Details' panel by clicking the arrow to the far-right of the row. In the panel that opens up, scroll all the way down and click on the red "Delete this transaction" button. To confirm, click on "Yes, delete" in the confirmation dialogue.

A green confirmation message will appear on the bottom-left corner of the screen, and the transaction will no longer appear in the table.

Deleting transactions in bulk

If you would like to delete multiple transactions at once, you can click on the checkbox to the far-left of the row to add transactions to your selection. On the right-side of the screen, you will find 'Selected Transactions' information, including calculations for average amount and selected total.

Make sure to carefully review the selected transactions. Once transactions are deleted, they cannot be retrieved.

To proceed with deleting, click on the red "Delete" button. To confirm, review the message and click on "Yes, delete" in the confirmation dialogue. A green confirmation message will appear on the bottom-left corner of the screen, and the transactions will no longer appear in the table.

Last updated