Managing Tags

Once you've already set up some tags on your account, whether you need to update tag details, archive or delete them, existing tags are managed via the Tags page.

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Updating tags

How to edit a tag’s name or description

You can change a tag’s name or description at any time via the Tags page:

  1. Open the Tags page

  2. In the table, locate the tag that you wish to edit and click on it

  3. In the ‘Edit Tag’ panel that appears on the right, you can click on the text fields to change the tag name and tag description

  4. Confirm your changes by clicking on "Save" at the bottom

How to set a tag's color scheme

You can assign a color scheme for any tag from the Tags page:

  1. Open the Tags page

  2. In the table, locate the tag that you wish to edit and then click the gray square under the 'Color' column to the right

  3. In the "Choose color scheme" tooltip menu, pick a color by clicking on it

  4. To close the menu, click away anywhere on the screen

Archiving Tags

How to archive a tag

If you are no longer planning to use a tag (eg. a specific event or trip you tracked is over), you may choose to archive it. Archiving the tag will prevent it from showing up as an option when creating or updating transactions, yet you will still be able to access the tag for filtering purposes and analytics.

  1. Open the Tags page

  2. In the table, locate the tag that you wish to edit and click on it

  3. In the ‘Edit Tag’ panel that appears on the right, click on the toggle to enable the “Archived” property

  4. Confirm your change by clicking on “Save” at the bottom

How to unarchive a tag

If you wish to unarchive a tag so that you can assign it to transactions again, you can do so by disabling that tag’s "Archived" property via the 'Edit Tag' panel:

  1. Open the Tags page

  2. In the table, locate the tag that you wish to edit and click on it

  3. In the ‘Edit Tag’ panel that appears on the right, click on the toggle to disable the "Archived" property

  4. Confirm your change by clicking on "Save" at the bottom

How to show/hide archived tags

By default, archived tags may be hidden from view on the Tags page. If you’d like to display the archived tags in the table, you can enable the “Show archived tags” option. This toggle option is located on the right side of the page above the table:

Deleting Tags

How to delete a tag

You can delete a tag via the 'Edit Tag' panel on the Tags page:

  1. Open the Tags page

  2. In the table, locate the tag that you wish to edit and click on it

  3. In the 'Edit Tag' panel that appears on the right, click on "Delete"

  4. If the tag is associated with any rules or transactions, you will see a confirmation dialog appear. To proceed with the deletion, click on "Yes, I still want to delete this tag":

Deleting a tag is a nuclear action and cannot be reversed. The deleted tag will be removed from any associated transactions (other tags assigned to the transactions won’t be affected), and any associated rules with only a tags clause will be deleted.

Last updated