Transaction Status
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Transaction status serves as a safety measure implemented to help prevent erroneous transaction data and ensure that all transactions are categorized properly, with correct dates, payees, etc.
When transactions are automatically synced into Lunch Money, some data may not always perfectly match up, so the "unreviewed" status serves as an indication that the transaction may need your attention.
Unless automatically marked as reviewed by a Rule, all automatically imported transactions will initially be marked as "unreviewed". On the other hand, manually created transactions will automatically be marked as "reviewed" by default.
If there are any unreviewed transactions in the active view, you will see a prompt on the right-side of the screen to review those transactions. You can click on it to see a filtered view of all unreviewed transactions for the period:
To quickly change an individual transaction’s status to "reviewed", head over to the Transactions page, and click on the gray check mark icon in the far-right column to turn it green.
Select the transactions by clicking the respective checkboxes on the far-left column.
In the 'Selected Transactions' menu on the right side of the screen, click on the "Mark reviewed" button.
Alternatively, to mark all unreviewed transactions in the current view as "reviewed", you can click on the green check mark icon at the very top of the column. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click on "Yes, confirm" to confirm the bulk review:
To quickly change an individual transaction’s status to "unreviewed", head over to the Transactions page, and click on the green check mark icon in the far-right column to turn it gray.
Select the transactions by clicking the respective checkboxes on the far-left column.
In the 'Selected Transactions' menu on the right side of the screen, click on the "Bulk-edit" button.
Under "Update fields", locate and toggle-on the option "Mark all as unreviewed".
Confirm by clicking on "Save changes".
On the Settings page, under ‘User Preferences’, you will find a section called ‘Transaction Preferences’. There, you have two auto-review options that can be enabled or disabled:
These options apply across all budgets on your Lunch Money account. Enabling these options on one budget account will also enable them on all other budgets.
You can enable this option if you would like to have unreviewed transactions automatically marked as “reviewed” after an update is made. This means that any change made to the Date, Amount, Category, Payee, Notes or Account will update that transaction’s status to “reviewed”.
If you wish to always manually review transactions, make sure to disable this option. That way updates to the transaction will not affect the status, and you can manually set it as “reviewed” when you are ready.
While transactions synced from a bank account will always be set to “unreviewed” by default, manually created transactions can be set to automatically clear to “reviewed” status upon creation.
Enabling this option would have new manually created transactions start in a reviewed state, while disabling these options would have them start in an unreviewed state.
While the automatic review settings cover all manually-updated and/or manually-created transactions, Rules can be set up to automatically mark specific transactions as “reviewed” or “unreviewed” based on a certain criteria.
Rules will override auto-review settings and the default behavior of synced transactions. This means that a synced transaction can automatically be set to “reviewed” status by a rule, despite the expected default “unreviewed” status.
For example, you can set up a rule for transactions from a specific account to always be marked as “reviewed”, or for transactions from a specific Payee to always be marked as “unreviewed”.
To learn more about rules, please see here.